Educator Scholarship
NAITC Conference
Minneapolis, MN June 23-26, 2025
Ellis County Farm Bureau is offering a $1000.00 reimbursement to a local educator to attend the National Ag in the Classroom Conference. The teacher will be reimbursed with proof of attendance.
Agriculture in the Classroom programs are implemented by state-operated programs. National Agriculture in the Classroom supports state programs by providing a network that seeks to improve agricultural literacy — awareness, knowledge, and appreciation — among PreK-12 teachers and their students. Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) programs seek to improve student achievement by applying authentic, agricultural-based content as the context to teach core curriculum concepts in science, social studies, language arts and nutrition. By encouraging teachers to embed agriculture into their classroom, AITC cultivates an understanding and appreciation of the food and fiber system that we all rely on every day. AITC is unique within the agricultural education community as the lead organization that serves the full spectrum of K-12 formal education.